Test Fee Information
Test fees are broken down as follows:
- Each test is charged a $12 Skate Canada fee, effective October 1, 2015, collected by the club holding the test day on Skate Canada’s behalf.
- Each skater is charged an administration fee – $6 for the first test and $3 for each additional test (this goes toward the mileage and meals for each judge that attends the test day plus snacks provided to the skaters and coaches, as well as any costs incurred to complete the administrative duties of the test chair; photocopying, printing of test papers, postage, etc.) for all tests tried on a scheduled test day.(No admin fees are charged for Star 1-5 tests done on a regular skating session)
- Ice fees for a scheduled test day will be based on the following:
- All dances – $14 each test
- All interpretives & Senior Bronze free skate programs – $25 each test
- Senior Bronze elements & skills, Junior Silver, Senior Silver & Gold free skate programs – $30 each test
- Junior Silver, Senior Silver & Gold elements & skills – $35 each test
- If clear ice is required for a Star 1-5 test and it is scheduled on a test day – there will be a $14 ice fee charged
- Any skater not registered as a home club member of PPSC will be charged a guest skating fee as follows:
- Skaters within test group 3(Beaverton, Blackstock, Sunderland, Uxbridge) pay an additional $5 per test day (unless they are registered to also skate on a Port Perry Skating Club session)
- All other skaters registered in an Ontario Section Club pay an additional $10 per test day (unless they are registered to also skate on a Port Perry Skating Club session)
- Skaters from another section pay an additional $15 per test day (unless they are registered to also skate on a Port Perry Skating Club session)
PLEASE NOTE: These test fees do not include private coaching fees and dance partner fees – these should be discussed with coaches/dance partners at the beginning of the season or at the very least before testing occurs. Some coaches/dance partners may include test day fees on your monthly/biweekly invoices; others may require payment for test day on test day separately from any other billings.