Test Day Information
2023/2024 Test Days
NO SKATING THURS. NOV. 23rd due to Test Day
We are actively looking for sponsors for our skating club.
Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a sponsor. We are a not-for-profit volunteer run club and would appreciate any financial assistance.
Test days also have categories: low & high. All tests in the preliminary, junior bronze and senior bronze levels are considered low. All Interpretive tests and all tests in the junior silver, senior silver and gold levels are considered high.
Initial Test Submission Due Date
Initial test submission due date is always 4 weeks before test day (this is a Skate Canada rule and is mandated – test days can be denied if this rule is not upheld). The test chair is required to submit all potential tests to Skate Canada on this date.
Skate Canada starts speaking with judges qualified to evaluate the various levels of tests that are on this initial list, to determine who may be available on the test day. This gives the coaches time to work on the tests to determine if the skater really can have it ready for test day and to speak with parents to find out if the skater is available on test day.
(If you know your skater will not be available to test on one of the above noted test days please speak with your private coach immediately, this helps him/her work on a plan for your skater for the entire season but also allows the coach to check with other clubs to see if your skater may be able to try the test elsewhere. – If your child is trying tests at another club, your private coach should be submitting them to the PPSC Test Chair to be forwarded to the other club’s test chair, as per Skate Canada protocol – neither the coach nor the parent may submit tests to another club).
Final Test Submission Due Date
Final test submission due date is always 2 weeks before test day (this is a Skate Canada rule and is mandated policy – test days can be denied if this rule is not upheld). Any test that is not ready to be tried or any skater that is not available to test must be removed from the list of potential tests and skaters. This final list is sent to Skate Canada on this date.
This is how Skate Canada determines what to charge the club holding the test day. So any test removed from the list after it has been sent to Skate Canada is still charged for the test and the test is marked as a retry on the skater’s permanent skating record. The only exception to this rule is if the skater is ill and has a doctor’s note. The test chair usually knows within a day or two of this date which judges are available for our test day and the times that they can attend.
Expected Schedule and Test Fee Invoice Release Date
Expected schedule and test fee invoice release date is within a week of the Final test submission date. The test chair hopes to have the schedule and invoices for test fees ready within this time. He/She will email fees and a schedule to all skaters testing, so please ensure that the club has an email address that you check on a regular basis. The schedule will also be posted on our website. There is a possibility that if Skate Canada has difficulties finding a judge to come to Port Perry that this date could be later but the test chair will do their best to get everything ready for you as quickly as possible. Please keep in mind that the schedule is firstly based on the judges available to evaluate and secondly on the availability of the dance partners that assist our skaters with their dance tests. Skaters should be available to test anytime during the test day.
Fee Due Date Policy
Port Perry skating club policy states that Fee Due Date is one week before test day but if the test chair can’t complete the schedule in a timely fashion he/she can extend this to the last skating day before test day. Fees cannot be calculated until the schedule is complete, since additional ice may be required to schedule all of the tests submitted and all skaters will be charged for additional ice whether they are registered to skate during the regular skating session on this day or not. The test chair is very busy on test day, so collecting the fees beforehand helps alleviate some of the stress. If test fees have not been paid by the date stipulated on the invoice, the test chair has the right to deny the trial of the test, the test will be submitted to Skate Canada as a retry and the skater will be in arrears until it has been paid. This means that this skater will not be able to test or compete at any Skate Canada club until the outstanding fee has been paid and the skater is back in “Good Standing”
Test Day Policy
On test day, club policy states that skaters must show up to the arena at least 45 minutes before their first test of the day unless the skater’s private coach would like them to arrive earlier. (The judge has the right to deny the test if a skater shows up late.)
Check in with the test chair upon arrival (or the assistant, if there is one). Results are generally ready after each flight has been completed. There is specific Skate Canada paperwork to complete with these results before they can be distributed to the coaches. Coaches will distribute results to the skaters.
Do not approach coaches about skater’s results, if he/she is currently working with another skater on their test. The coach will come to find the skater once he/she can dedicate the appropriate time and attention to the results and speak with the skater about them. If a skater has several tests throughout the test day a coach may keep results until all tests have been completed so that it doesn’t affect the outcome of subsequent tests (both euphoria and depression can have an adverse effect on the outcome of other tests) the coach will be the judge of this.
If your skater has several tests spread out over the test day, please consult with your skater’s private coach before you leave the arena so that he/she is aware of your plans in the event that the test day gets ahead of schedule and the club needs to contact you to return to the arena.